Design of Digital Inductance Meter Using Arduino

You are worried about the calculation for the value of the inductor. The only easiest method is to use an inductance meter. The inductance meter or LC meter does not get through a cheap rate. The cost of this product is around 10 to 15$.

So, for this reason, the beginners in electronics who can not buy this one. But in most of the inverter, converter, booster circuit, and Class d amplifier needs the inductor.

inductance meter using arduino

I just make a class d amplifier but I can not know the taken inductor is in the 22uh range or not. I don't know for that reason my amplifier project get pending. Too much tension and sadness happen to me. At that time I planned to make an inductance meter it's necessary for me. I think all electronic hobbyist should have this inductance meter. This will helps in doing several electronics projects.

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In this days several free circuits are available for making inductance meter. But they are very difficult to code. Ex PIC 16 series IC. But those circuits the clear code is not available and can't be trusted. So I decided to make an inductance meter using Arduino Uno ( IC Atmega328p ). Arduino is very cheap and the IC rate is about 120 rupees or 2$. Yes great with a cheap rate we can build an inductance calculating meter.

I designed a code for inductance meter using Arduino programming software. At last of this article I pasted my working code of Inductance meter. This code will helps you when you want.

How to measure inductance

Mehandi the inductance is defined as the ability of the coil to restrict the passage of current through it. The inductance can be measured in Milli Henry or microhenry. The inductance can be measured using a frequency generator or using an oscilloscope.

To find out the inductance the basic formula is described as the bacterium of depending on the inductance x the rate of change in current.

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The inductor in parallel with the capacitor is called us an LC circuit. When we measuring the inductance the added inductor changes the oscillator frequency and calculating the change in frequency we will analyze the exact inductance of the inductor. The microcontroller purchase Atmega 328 p analyzing analog signals. The at mega 328 p can be sampling the analogue signal at 9600hz. The ship specially designed for converting the analogue signal to digital signals

LM 393 IC is a comparator that switches the signals faster than LM 741 IC. The voltage difference in the LC circuit become positive then the LM 393 IC start to floating and give a pull up through the resistor. When the voltage difference in the LC circuit becomes negative then it will pull up to the ground.

inductance meter measuring

In this circuit we are applying a frequency to the LC circuit. It is about five volt comparing with the IC of at mega 328. After that the resonating frequency can be calculated by using the formula and displayed using 16 cross 2 LCD display.

Inductance measuring calculations


and from this equation we can find out the frequency of the LC circuit.

From the above equation the resonating frequency will be calculated and changing with this equation will give the inductance of the inductor.

L= 1/4*pi^2*f^2c. f is the resonating frequency. C is the capacitance and L is the inductance.


Components required

  • Atmega328p
  • Arduino Uno
  • Bootloader circuit
  • 16*2 LCD display
  • 10k pot
  • 22pf capacitor
  • 16mhz crystal
  • 560R resistor
  • 1N4007 diode
  • 150R resistor
  • 330 R resistor
  • 1uf capacitor
  • 7805 regulator IC
  • 1k resistor
  • LED
  • PCB copper clad
  • Ferric chloride
  • Connecting wire
  • Jumber wires

16*2 Display connection

inductance meter LCD connection

As per the circuit diagram of 60 *2 LCD display. Connect the first pin of the LCD display to the ground. Second pin connected to the positive voltage supply of 5 volts. 53 is the brightness adjust being which will be connected along with 10k pot.

Rs,e,Db4,Db5,Db6 and Db7 connected to the arduino pin for at mega 328 IC pin A5, A4, A3, A2, A1, A0.


Inductance meter circuit diagram

You can also check my youtube: SCHOOL OF TECHNOLOGY

Design of Digital Inductance Meter Using Arduino


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